Chapter 9 Appendix: Workshop Outline

This is the outline and time for a 2-hour in-person workshop based on this book

9.1 Intro (15 min)


  • focus of this workshop

  • participant introductions, optional discussion of previous experiences

  • ensure everyone has a github account

9.2 Seminar/Demo (65 min)

git/github in practice (25 mi)

  • framework code -> git -> github

  • why use git and github?

  • list of git features/ commands we are assuming familiarity with in a git vs. github comparison

  • foreach {commits, issues, branches, forks & pull requests, rebase}:

    • (Kelly) define the term/feature: review of the feature, rely on previous workshops/existing doc (as written for ch2)
    • (Kellly) point to how github works with this, link to github images and docs
    • (Pat) describe important elements of this feature in practice: principles of using commits, how much code to put into a commit and why ( this helps to understand the language of OSS collaboration )
    • (Pat) outline a typical workflow for using the feature
      • this helps to understand the context of the culture of OSS collaboration
      • real world example

Anatomy of a codebase (15 min)

  • common elements (cover licensing here in 1 sentence and a link)
  • our taxonomy
  • example codebases

Using other’s code in your work (10 minutes)

Engaging with issues and PRs ( 15 mintues )

  • demo of that for a README file (Pat/Beth’s repo)
  • demo of that with our own book

9.3 Hands-on (20-25 min)

Exercise: work through a real PR (20-25 mintues)

  • introducing bookdown and Markdown
  • ensure everyone has a github account
  • exercise
  • optional, bug bounty, find a typo or other bug and create issues in our repo
  • optional: download RStudio and create book to test it!

9.4 Conclusion (15 min)

9.5 Follow-up Survey